Discussing the biggest challenges facing young people today
Newday presents Yth Cltr
How do you get to grips with the real issues that are challenging and influencing young people today?
Truly discipling the next generation isn’t going to be achieved by simply employing a youth worker or ticking a box by running a youth group. If we want to see young people genuinely encountering Jesus in an ever-changing and increasing challenging culture, the church needs to be equipped.
We want to provide a better understanding, develop compassion and sharpen practical skills to help you love and disciple young people in a greater way: whether you're a Youth Leader, youth team volunteer, Church Leader, Social Worker, Teacher or parent.
07 February 2026
Newday is one of the largest Christian events for young people that takes place in the UK every year. Young people aged right through their teenage years and on into their early 20s join together from churches up and down the UK and Europe to learn about and worship God, camp out together and soak in the summer festival feeling, leaving Newday further along in their relationship with Jesus.